These majestic creatures live on average 60 - 70 years with a maximum age of 86 years been recorded. Elephants are bulk feeders spending most of their lives eating. Their age is determined by the wearing down of the molars. Their molars crumble over time and are replaced by new sets of molars as required.
An elephant only has 6 sets of molars in its lifetime. Upon the deterioration of the last set they then suffer from malnutrition as they can no longer chew their food properly to digest efficiently. The condition of the elephant gradually worsens until it dies.
#9 Macaw

These rather intelligent and beautiful birds are indigenous to the Central and Southern American rain forests. They live between 60 and 100 years.
#8 Tuataras

Tuataras are lizard-like reptiles found only in New Zealand. Their exact lifespan is unknown but specimens in captivity have lived up to 80 years. Wild specimens may live well over a 100 years.
#7 Long Finned Eels

These eels are found in and around Australia and New Zealand The oldest recorded specimen lived to 106 years.
#6 Galapagos Giant Tortoise

These massive chelonia are the world’s longest living terrestrial creatures. They are also classified as the 14th heaviest living reptile in the world. The oldest recorded tortoise lived to 152 years!
#5 Koi Fish

The Japanese Koi fish (carp) are amongst the oldest living fish in the world living from 100 to 200 years.
The oldest recorded Koi who was named Hanako was estimated by its growth rings to be 225 years old when it died in 1974.
#4 Greenland Shark

These rather large sharks reach up to 20 feet in length and are found in the cold waters of Greenland, Canada and Iceland at depths of up to 2000 meters! They live an average lifespan of roughly 200 years.
#3 Bowhead Whales

Bowhead whales are a species of 'Right whales'. These massive creatures can reach up to 20 meters in length. Their average lifespan is 200 years with older whales living up to 245 years.
#2 Quahog (Hard clam)

These edible molluscs are found on the eastern coastlines of Central and North America. Just like trees the growth lines on the outer shelled are used to calculate the Quahogs' age. The maximum age of Quahog ever recorded was 507 years!
#1 Turritopsis Do hrnii (Immortal jellyfish)
Card This amazing creature is the only living thing on earth that is truly immortal. Instead of dying of old age they sink to the ocean floor where their cellular structures then revert and modify back into the juvenile form to start their life cycle over again. There is no known limit on how many times they can re-live the cycle.
Disease and predators are the only way to the end of their immorality.