11 Most Bizarre & Fascinating Animal Facts

Male Koala bears have two penises. The female has two vaginas. Both organs are used during sexual intercourse.

It is physically impossible for an elephant to jump as their bodies are too heavy. Only baby elephants have been known to jump.

The Cheetah is the fastest running mammal on earth reaching a top speed of 75 mph for short bursts.

Cheetah - Cheetah, Running, Cat, Fast, Pounce, Running Animals, Cheetah Running, Cheetah Animal

The Inland Taipan from Australia is considered to have the most toxic venom in the world. A single bite from this snake could kill up to 100 men!

Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

If the eye of a snail is cut off it will re-grow again!

Day 216: Face to face with a Snail at 2:1. (216/366)

Leeches have 5 pairs of eyes, 300 teeth and 32 brains.

Leech (Hirudinea) - DSC_4195

The tongue of a Blue whale can weigh as much as an adult elephant.

Blue Whale

A baby Giraffe can stand and walk within half an hour of birth. This is essential in their survival as they need to be able to move in the presence of predators such as lion.

The Animalistic Luv - Giraffe, Mother, Cute, Baby, Baby Giraffe, Baby Photography, Cute Giraffe, Baby Animal, Cute Baby, Mother Baby

Dolphins can't go into a deep full sleep as they need to be conscious in order to breath. When they do sleep they sleep with only one half of the brain at a time and with one eye closed.

spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris, Hawaii ( Central Pacific Ocean )

The Amazon jungle has a species of lizard called the 'Jesus Christ Lizard'. This little critter has the ability to run over water!

Lizard on The Water - Water, Lizard, Reptile, Animal, Animal Water

The collective noun for a group of parrots is a 'PANDEMONIUM'.

5 red and gold parrots on a line photo nature-new168.jpg