10 Facts About Cats That Will Impress Your Friends

Cats, like most pure carnivores are unable to detect sweetness, this is due to genetic mutations. Omnivores are able to taste sweetness as they are dependent on carbohydrates as part of their survival.

Cats are excellent at climbing up trees but do not climbing down head first as their claws are curved backwards resulting in very little grip when going down.

It may seem strange to see your cat eating grass only to regurgitate it later. The enzymes in grass are thought to aid in digestion whilst getting rid of indigestible matter such as fur, feathers and bones when regurgitating.

The collective noun for a group of cats is called a ‘CLOWDER’.

The oldest cat ever recorded was a female from Texas called ‘Creme Puff’. She lived to the ripe old age of 38 years and 3 days.

Cats that are fed tuna on a regular basis may become addicted to it. A diet high in tuna may lead to a vitamin E deficiency and a risk of mercury poisoning. Cats that are addicted to tuna are often called ‘Tuna Junkies’.

Sadly for our furry friends an estimated 4 million cats are eaten yearly in China.

Cats unlike humans don’t have bodies covered in sweat glands but instead have glands only in their paws. On hot days they like to lick their paws and face them upwards in a cool breeze to try lower their body temperatures.

Cats with white coats have a high tendency of being deaf. Blue-eyed cats with white coats have an even higher chance of deafness. A gene present in their bodies which is responsible for the white coat and blue eyes also breaks-down the cats’ auditory system making it partially or totally deaf.

Over short distances a cat can reach a top running speed of approximately 30 mph (48 km/h).